Posts Tagged ‘oral’


Gabrielle Union: “Women love oral sex”

November 3, 2009


The beautiful actress posed naked for the December cover of of Men’s Health magazine.

On this occasion, Gabrielle could not refrain and gave some advice to men who want a woman in their lives.

“When you’re in the dating phase, you tell your friends everything. Was it big? Did he know what to do with it? Is he into oral? Everything. The dissection is complete.”

“Nobody wants to feel like just a vessel. You want equal participation, so it’s not ‘68 and I owe ya one.’

“If it’s a choice between a man who gives flowers and a man who enjoys giving oral, most women would take the oral. And it’s free. Oral sex is recession-proof.”

“If both people can climax quickly, sex doesn’t need to go on for 2 hours — at some point, Law & Order is coming on! But it’s terrible if a man is 2 minutes and you’re nowhere close.”